Friday 26 October 2012


Today I ran around the reservoir because it was windy. Too windy to run along the front. I really went for it but my time was pretty slow. I don't know why. I'm going to blame the wind but to be honest it felt pretty sheltered up there. I mean, that's why I went there. Oh yeah, I nearly slipped over. The route is a gravel path that slopes gently downhill for a mile. I go fast down this bit 5.30min/mile. Actually the very first bit is quite steep downhill, it's hard to start off going down a steep hill, but then it levels out although it's still slightly downhill. This is a mile exactly until you get to the actual dam that holds in the water and creates the reservoir. So when you get to the damn you drop right down, down steps and a steep twisty path until you get to the big flat area in front of the dam. It was here I nearly slipped.  I was sliding a bit on the marshy grass, arms going everywhere. I must have looked like an idiot but luckily I didn't hit the deck and I don't think anybody saw me. It put me off my stride a bit though and running to the bottom car park and gate which I have to touch for the time to count I felt I wasn't going to be on for a good time. The way back is mental, it's all up and down really steep slopes, it's like that for a mile, around the far side of the reservoir, before it finally drops down and puts you back on the path that you run down. You run up this path and have to face the steep downhill bit in reverse at the end, except this time it's uphill. I fucking love running around the reservoir. I wore too much clothing. A hat, gloves, base-layer. You name it, I wore it. My Adidas Adios 2 on my feet. Because the hills are so steep I find the extra cushioning in the heels to be a good thing. The three miles took 19mins 30seconds.

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